First Coronavirus Death in Venezuela
U.S. federal prosecutors announced a reward for Maduro and his co-conspirators, that even if it seems fair, distracts both countries from the tragedy that threatens them.
U.S. federal prosecutors announced a reward for Maduro and his co-conspirators, that even if it seems fair, distracts both countries from the tragedy that threatens them.
Guaidó proposed measures to assure that resources they obtain are used to help the most vulnerable and protect the population without blackmails from the regime.
This is the recipe for disaster proposed by the regime to face the pandemic in a country going through a complex humanitarian emergency.
The pandemic, which has become a sanitary and economic catastrophe for the whole world, has arrived to a country that couldn’t be in worse shape.
The AN and Juan Guaidó propose reasonable measures to the regime, which replies with contradicting figures and more repression, discrimination and impunity.
The Communications Minister keeps using a relaxed tone regarding the pandemic that has paralyzed the world, while FAES takes journalist Darvinson Rojas for publishing the figures in Miranda.
Becaue of lack of test kits or lack of transparency, Maduro’s regime said that there are no new cases of COVID-19 in the country. Some figures from the regions did leak, though.
Chavismo takes full political advantage of the Coronavirus crisis; Aid comes from China, but there are no guarantees it’ll do any good; While the rest of the world guarantees public services and exempts taxes, the regime pushes harder.
Incoherent data, insufficient measures and comparisons of themselves with other countries have been features of the regime’s actions in this exceptional challenge.
The regime turns to the IMF even though it was always unlikely that a credit would be approved; More vulnerability for Venezuelans in this debacle that proves it’s impossible to isolate us from an inevitable global reality.
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