The Fact-Finding Mission said that the Venezuelan justice system has had an essential role in human rights violations for years and hasn't been the counterbalance to the repression by the authoritarian regime.
Primero Justicia proposed an independent board in charge of managing Venezuelan assets abroad, meaning Monómeros. They questioned that Voluntad Popular insists on political organizations part of the Unitary Platform managing these assets.
Jorge Rodríguez announced that the regime decided to incorporate Álex Saab into the negotiation. Saab was detained in 2020 in Cape Verde due to charges imposed by the United States for money laundering. The opposition delegation expressed its dissatisfaction with the incorporation through a statement.
Michelle Bachelet presented a summary of the latest report of her office on Venezuela: she highlighted her concern about the criminalization of human rights defenders and union leaders in the country, the need to lift sanctions and how the pandemic has worsened the humanitarian emergency.
The UN said that 5.7 million Venezuelans have left the country. 37 organizations choose their spots on the ballot for the November elections. August had a 10.6% inflation rate.
The constant sale of gold bars is the regime’s attempt to obtain some liquidity but they don’t report that they’re using this money. There were 167 violations of journalistic work in Venezuela in 2020, affecting at least 208 press workers.
The Constitutional Court of Cape Verde confirmed the process against Alex Saab is constitutional, meaning it’s legal to extradite him to the U.S. Venezuela received 693,000 doses of the vaccine through COVAX. Journalist and political prisoner Roland Carreño has bilateral pneumonia after he got coronavirus at the PNB cell where he’s been detained.
PSUV’s candidate to the Trujillo governorship Gerardo Márquez spread hate against opposition candidates during a campaign speech. Economist José Guerra warned that we’ll need 15,000 million dollars to reactivate the economy in 2022. Flor Pujol, IVIC researcher, explained that the mu variant has spread all over Venezuela.
In July and August the number of people with one dose increased, from 16.8% to 22.45% and the population with two doses went from 7% to 11.76%. Several infrastructure disasters had to happen in order for Maduro to express his version of what has happened with the rains that have affected 10 states. t of the Mexico negotiations. They invited their regional allies to support this process. The second phase of the dialogue will begin on September, 3rd and it will end on Monday, September 6th.
Opposition parties announced that they’ll be participating in the November election, which would be their first participation since 2017. In his first public statement after his arbitrary detention, Freddy Guevara explained that it’s necessary to reach a negotiated solution. CEPAL reported that Venezuela will have negative growth (-4%) in 2021.
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