Mutatis Mutandi
George Orwell might have said: In our country, political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible. Things like the abolition of Proportional Representation, the arbitrary...
Quico Toro is the founder of Caracas Chronicles.
George Orwell might have said: In our country, political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible. Things like the abolition of Proportional Representation, the arbitrary...
Quico says: Simón Romero’s NYTimes story today detailing new evidence of Venezuela’s continued, close cooperation with FARC will send a chill down your spine. We learn that he-who-shall-soon-have-the-power-to-block-access-to-Caracas-Chronicles,...
Quico says: El Chigüire Bipolar long ago cemented its position as the place for the most incisive, wicked and hilarious satire in Venezuela today. But their last few...
Quico says: Read my little paean to Hillary Clinton for her role in the Honduran crisis over on TNR’s mass blog, The Plank.
Dublin, Ireland: 1:53 p.m. Feel like sharing the view from your window? Send a snapshot along to caracaschronicles at fastmail dot fm Please ensure the window frame is...
Quico says: So, guess who is the first chicharrón to go public with enthusiastic support for Luisa Ortega Díaz’s fascist little aberration of a “Media Crimes Law”? Diosdado...
Quico says: And now for something completely different: The New York Times reports that Honduras’ de facto president Roberto Micheletti has come around and now favors returning democratically-elected-then-deposed-nutter...
Juan Cristóbal and Quico say: What would you say is the opposite of human rights? These days, in international usage, the defense of human rights seems to refer...
Caracas, Venezuela: 11:32 a.m. Feel like sharing the view from your window? Send a snapshot along to caracaschronicles at fastmail dot fm Please ensure the window frame is...
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