Slapped In Front of The EU Head of Mission
The candidate of the MUD in Bolívar, Raúl Yusef, attacked political leader Américo De Grazia, in front of EU electoral observers.The board of the National Electoral Council said the request to make changes on the MUD card for the governor of Miranda is inadmissible.

- The candidate of the MUD in Bolívar, Raúl Yusef, attacked political leader Américo De Grazia, in front of EU electoral observers. Somebody on Yusef’s team slapped De Grazia, and then Yusef himself hit him. Telesur, an outlet with a reputation for being a tool for disinformation and propaganda, showed the video and it’s been impossible to determine what triggered the attack because of the editing.
- The Venezuelan Episcopal Conference (CEV) asked the citizens to think long and hard when deciding whether or not to vote on Sunday, “to send an unequivocal signal of determination and commitment to life, liberty, justice and peace for 30 million people.” The CEV said that they’re aware of the reasons that have caused apathy, and what caused divisions in political parties, but they called for overcoming conflicts “in the name of the greater good, a better present and a better future for Venezuela.” They called for the birth of new, better politics, for the possibility of new social leadership and they called for the creation of a collective that favors the integral development of the nation.
- The board of the National Electoral Council said the request to make changes on the MUD card for the governor of Miranda is inadmissible “because it’s out of the deadline,” said Roberto Picón. He said that it’s important that organizations educate citizens of Miranda on how they should vote.
- Súmate denounced that the CNE is illegally awarding credentials to members of political parties to become electoral officers on voting stations and demanded the board review the decisions since partisanship violates the Constitution and the Electoral Law.
- 1250 courts will be open during the electoral weekend to guarantee the “Rule of Law”.
- CNE authorities met with the diplomatic corps to inaugurate an exposition on the history of the electoral system.
- Pedro Calzadilla estimated that around 300 people will be part of the international electoral support group. He said that there are around 70,000 candidates and that they worked on having gender parity.
- Dr. Julio Castro thinks that there will come a moment when COVID-19 will be under control. He emphasized that he had never seen big pharma companies releasing their patents to make vaccines more accessible, which he called an incredible step for humankind.
- Economist Asdrúbal Oliveros estimates that it’s likely that hyperinflation ends in early 2022 and that dollarization is a key factor. He said that it’s unlikely that the dollarization will disappear, because it’s transactional, “over 60% of payments in the top ten cities of the country are made in dollars; it’s financial, “according to SUDEBAN, more than half of deposits are made in foreign currency” and because liquidity in dollars is six times larger than in bolivars. “Dollarization is here to stay and businesses must adapt and strengthen their financial strategies in a dual or multi-currency system,” said Olivares. He mentioned a multi-currency system because the Colombian peso and the Brazilian real are used on border areas, more than the bolivar, the euro or the dollar.
- Judge Hennit Carolina López ordered to refer the case of torture against military officers Richard Alemán and Ángelo Rosales to the human rights subdivision of the Public Ministry. “It’s the first time a judge does something like this in a case where there’s evidence of torture against the citizens who are on trial,” said the Coalición por los Derechos Humanos y la Democracia.
- The Venezuelan Communist Party denounced that the CNE illegally barred six candidates from running in the election. The CNE and the Comptroller’s Office have repeatedly hurt the so-called dissident chavismo.
- Tarek William Saab said that four people involved in an attack against a CNE warehouse had their hearing. Three other citizens involved in the case were arrested. Saab assured that the plan was to destroy all electoral materials and machines.
- On Wednesday, there was a brownout in 12 states of the country.
- One day after the CNE announced they’ll be investigating VTV for imbalanced coverage, Nicolás congratulated them and said that their coverage has been 70% for opposition candidates and 30% PSUV candidates.
- Guyana assured that they’ve expanded the legal team that’s defending them in their border dispute with Venezuela.
- The Financial and Economic Crimes Unit of the Spanish National Police will investigate the payments that Maduro’s regime made to leaders of Podemos like Juan Carlos Monedero and Carolina Bescansa, information revealed by Hugo “El Pollo” Carvajal. They will also investigate Monedero’s presence in Venezuela and payments through PDVSA.
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