The Red Line
Guaidó thinks the regime crossed the red line a long time ago, but admits it’s up to its allies to decide when they’ll send international cooperation. A lawmaker has been arrested and others had to take refuge in embassies. Salomón Rondón and El Pitazo make us proud.

Photo: @jguaido
Caretaker President Juan Guaidó said to allied countries that the red line to activate international military cooperation in Venezuelan soil was crossed by Nicolás’s regime: “The only body capable of requesting international cooperation in Venezuelan soil is the National Assembly. Will it be required? I’d say we crossed the red line a long time ago, the emergency is obvious, the need is evident and despair is latent (…) The regime crossed the red line a long time ago,” he said this Thursday. Should he be detained, Guaidó says that the democratic cause has “a route to increase pressure, is that a red line for the international community or not? That will be decided by those who can offer us cooperation,” emphasizing that international help can’t replace Venezuelans protesting on the streets. Guaidó said that lawmaker Edgar Zambrano’s detention was a “kidnapping” and cautioned that Nicolás seeks to “disintegrate” the Legislative Branch, calling for a new demonstration on Saturday, May 11th.
. @jguaido habla de "cooperación internacional en suelo venezolano porque la intervención ya la tenemos por parte de rusos y cubanos".
Señala que la "línea roja" para activar esa cooperación la pondrá sus colaboradores porque "para nosotros la línea roja ya se pasó hace rato"— Gabriela Gonzalez (@GabyGabyGG) May 9, 2019
Este sábado, volvemos a las calles en todo el país para defender a cada venezolano representado en la Asamblea Nacional y seguiremos acompañando la protesta decidida de todos los sectores.
Nos corresponde seguir unidos y movilizados hasta lograr la Libertad.
— Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) May 9, 2019
The sea of categorical condemnations
The arbitrary detention of Edgar Zambrano, First Vice-President of the National Assembly, sparked many statements throughout the day, including the Lima Group; UN chief António Guterres; the European Union and its International Contact Group for Venezuela. Even the Mexican government expressed “concern for the situation of human rights, the right to due process and the inviolability of parliamentary immunity,” and the UN Office of the High Commissioner for human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, demanded Zambrano’s immediate release and urged the authorities to cease the attacks against National Assembly members.
Comunicado del #GrupoDeLima sobre detención de Diputado Edgar Zambrano ➡
— Cancillería Chile 🇨🇱 (@Minrel_Chile) May 9, 2019
#Venezuela: Pedimos la inmediata liberación de #EdgarZambrano, diputado de la Asamblea Nacional. Instamos a las autoridades a que detengan los ataques contra la Asamblea Nacional y sus miembros.
— UN Human Rights (@UNHumanRights) May 9, 2019
Rechazamos la ilegal e arbitraria detención de Edgar Zambrano, Vicepresidente de la Asamblea Nacional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, por parte del régimen ilegítimo de Nicolás Maduro. Es necesario el respeto al Orden Constitucional en este hermano país.
— Juan Carlos Varela (@JC_Varela) May 9, 2019
La integridad de la Asamblea Nacional de #venezuela e inmunidad de sus miembros, como el vicepresidente Edgar Zambrano, se deben respetar. La Asamblea es una institución legítima, indispensable para la construcción de una salida democrática y pacífica a la crisis.
— José Valencia (@ValenciaJoseEc) May 9, 2019
📄El @GobiernoMX reitera su absoluto respeto a los principios de no injerencia en asuntos internos de los países, de autodeterminación de los pueblos y de respeto, protección y promoción de los derechos humanos.
— Relaciones Exteriores (@SRE_mx) May 9, 2019
Ambassador Gustavo Tarre Briceño said that he requested the call for an extraordinary session of the OAS Permanent Council to discuss this situation, and lawmaker Williams Dávila announced that he’ll denounce the incident before Parlasur. At 11:00 p.m., the National Communication Center reported that Zambrano would be taken to court for a hearing.
En el dia de hoy solicitamos convocatoria para una Sesion Extraordinaria del Consejo Permanente de la OEA con ocasion del allanamiento de la inmunidad parlamentaria de nuestros diputados y la arbitraria detencion del VP de la Asamblea Nacional, Diputado Edgar Zambrano.
— Gustavo Tarre Briceño (@tarrebriceno) May 9, 2019
Refuge and harassment
Deputy Richard Blanco, also persecuted, entered this Thursday to the residence of the Argentinian ambassador in Caracas as a guest. In the afternoon, deputy Américo De Grazia announced that he took refuge in the residence of the Italian ambassador (which already housed lawmaker Mariela Magallanes), the third legislator (out of ten who were recently accused) who seeks protection in an embassy. The National Assembly’s Twitter account denounced that during this Thursday, several lawmakers and their families have been harassed by the Bolivarian Service of National Intelligence (SEBIN), “on orders from the usurper regime.” Several of them left testimony on Twitter, such is the case of lawmakers Goyo Graterol and Luis Florido.
Desde la #AsambleaVe denunciamos que durante el día de hoy varios de nuestros diputados y sus familias, han sido hostigados por el Sebin obedeciendo órdenes del régimen usurpador.
— Asamblea Nacional (@AsambleaVE) May 9, 2019
#URGENTE A esta hora 6.56pm el SEBIN sigue frente a mi casa. El asalto a la inmunidad de los diputados y la persecución que tienen en contra de quienes luchamos por la democracia de este país, no nos sacará del camino correcto. #Venezuela
— Gregorio Graterol (@GoyoGraterol) May 9, 2019
Yo estoy bien, estoy a buen resguardo.
Maduro que pretendes colocando funcionarios frente a mi casa en Barquisimeto? Atemorizar a mi familia? Te equivocas. La mía es una familia con dignidad y sin miedo, sobretodo mi esposa quien dice que de su casa no la mueve nadie #9May
— Luis Florido (@LuisFlorido) May 9, 2019
We have to repeat this: the National Assembly deputies were democratically elected by millions of Venezuelans, unlike the Supreme Tribunal justices who were selected illegally and late. Also, the ANC has no institutional legitimacy.
Briefs and serious
- Early this Thursday, the regime took Miguel Rodríguez Torres, who headed SEBIN between 2002 and 2013, from the cells of the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence in Boleita to another cell in the Tiuna military fort. Meanwhile, regime Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López recorded a testimonial video of how much he enjoys riding his bicycle.
Esta madrugada, sin previo aviso, trasladaron al ex titular del MRI, mayor general Miguel Rodríguez Torres, desde la Dgcim Boleíta a una celda calificada como de "máxima seguridad" en la Policía Militar de Fuerte Tiuna, informan fuentes del movimiento Desafío de Todos.
— Javier I. Mayorca (@javiermayorca) May 9, 2019
- “I sacrificed everything (…) I requested President Donald Trump to lift sanctions on our country and he said he’d do it but once there was another administration,” says former SEBIN director Manuel Cristopher Figuera, whose sanctions have been lifted, in a video, calling for rebuilding the state and quit blaming the world for the country’s woes.
#VIDEO | General Manuel Cristopher Figuera, exdirector del Sebin destituido por por el regimen de Nicolás Maduro tras su respaldo a los hechos del #30A, se declara en lucha contra la corrupción y admite haber mantenido conversaciones con el presidente de #EEUU. #9May
— HispanoPost (@hispanopost) May 9, 2019
- Armando.Info investigated how PDVSA’s oil tankers turn off their telecommunications devices to avoid being detected and leave other ports to sidestep sanctions and continue shipping around 50,000 oil barrels to Cuba per day. Here’s our version of Pirates of the Caribbean.
- “Are you penniless?” Nicolás asked the doctors who were graduating this Thursday and complained during the broadcast that they haven’t been paid. He promised to pay them this Friday and in a gesture of extreme populism he added: “And we’re going to give a special bonus through the carnet de la patria for the 2,043 graduates.”
Let’s talk about human rights
Three sessions were held yesterday about Venezuela in the 172nd Period of Sessions of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), with discussions about the guarantees of freedom of expression; about the political crisis, the assault on the AN and the possibilities of transitional justice in Venezuela; and they also reviewed the compliance with either protective measures issued by the institution.
#CIDHAudiencias Venezuela: Libertad de expresión. Sociedad Civil: La sociedad venezolana ha tenido que enfrentar la desinformación en un momento en que hay violencia institucional y enorme represión a las manifestaciones de calle. #CIDHenJamaica
— CIDH – IACHR (@CIDH) May 9, 2019
“1,700 attacks took place during Hugo Chávez’s government, 2,100 during Nicolás Maduro’s period,” said Carlos Correa, head of NGO Espacio Público. In the first four months of 2019, they recorded a total of 522 violations against freedom of expression, 67 of them have been arbitrary detentions of journalists and civil society members, an 198% increase compared to the same period in 2018, said lawyer Amado Vivas.
We’re still in hyperinflation
Venezuela’s international reserves lost $406 million this week (and we don’t know what that money’s being used for) dropping to $8.12 billion according to data published by the Central Bank of Venezuela. During Nicolás’s government, the reserves have lost over $21 billion, a 72.4% drop compared to 2013. Meanwhile, inflation is accelerating according to records of the National Assembly’s Finance Committee. Deputy Ángel Alvarado reported that the inflation rate for April was 44.7%, increasing the inflation accumulated in the first four months up to 665%, and the interannual rate (between April 2018 and April 2019) to 1,304,494%. Nicolás keeps financing public spending by printing inorganic money while national production plummets and thus, hyperinflation will keep destroying our purchasing power.
El Dip. @AngelAlvaradoR expresó que la inflación en el mes de abril alcanzó el 44,7 %, con una acumulada de 665,9 %. Mientras que la inflación interanual se colocó en 1.304.494 %.
Ratificando que el país se mantendrá en en hiperinflación. #AsambleaVE
— Asamblea Nacional (@AsambleaVE) May 9, 2019
Movements on the board
- Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov denied that he’s going to reach a “deal” with the U.S. about Venezuela during the discussions he’ll hold with U.S. State Secretary Mike Pompeo. “Trump is the one who usually prepares deals,” he said yesterday.
- Meanwhile, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov claimed that Russia doesn’t plan to send more soldiers to Venezuela, no more “specialists” will make the trip.
- Admiral Craig Faller, Chief of the U.S. Southern Command, said that he’s ready to act after Guaidó said that the red line to activate international military cooperation in Venezuelan soil was crossed: “When invited by Guaidó and the legitimate government of Venezuela, I look forward to discussing how we can support the future role of the leaders of the Armed Forces,” says the Southern Command’s tweet.
Cuando me invite @jguaido y el gobierno legítimo de #VENEZUELA, vamos hablar sobre nuestro apoyo a aquellos líderes de la @ArmadaFANB que tomen la decisión correcta, que respeten a los Venezolanos primero, y se restaure el orden constitucional. Estamos listos! #EstamosUnidosVE
— U.S. Southern Command (@Southcom) May 9, 2019
- The Mexican government approved the appointment of Francisco Arias Cárdenas as the regime’s ambassador, but he won’t be able exercise his functions until López Obrador has accepted the credentials. The statement explaining his condition is a gem.
Salomón Rondón was named Player of the Year in the team Newcastle United of the Premier League, but also, this Thursday the people of El Pitazo received their Ortega y Gasset award in the category of Best Journalistic Coverage for the report “La generación del hambre,” a work made by 14 journalists who traveled across the country documenting the effects of hunger on Venezuelan children, long live Venezuelan journalism!
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