A Travesty of Incoherence
Some political leaders revealed themselves before the nation. Four elected opposition governors caved in to the ANC yesterday, making everyone with common sense, a memory, and the ability to feel shame, look foolish.

Yesterday, the four elected governors from Henry Ramos Allup’s Acción Democrática (AD) did exactly what they said they wouldn’t do, when they swore their oaths of office before the National Constituent Assembly (ANC). The one that Henry Ramos Allup, along with every other opposition leader, repeatedly dismissed as illegitimate and unconstitutional.
The law states that the elected governors have to be sworn in by their respective regional legislative councils, while the ANC had stated that they would swear in the elected governors themselves.
Let me recap this for you:
First, the opposition said that regional elections were a trap to validate the ANC; then they said that signing up for elections wasn’t the same as running; then they said that running didn’t mean swearing in front of the ANC.
But at least Juan Pablo Guanipa, the Primero Justicia (PJ) governor-elect in Zulia, didn’t cave in.
Sólo ante Dios, el pueblo y la Constitución #23oct https://t.co/YDCSGtS6Do
— Juan Pablo Guanipa (@JuanPGuanipa) October 23, 2017
He was then received as a hero when he returned to Maracaibo.
Y así reciben al GOBERNADOR DEL ESTADO ZULIA en el Aeropuerto Internacional La Chinita. @JuanPGuanipa pic.twitter.com/u7xeoyWofw
— Rafael Ángel Araujo (@rafaelaraujo94) October 24, 2017
Political leaders like Freddy Guevara, Liborio Guarulla, Omar Barboza, Julio Borges, Henrique Capriles Radonski and Miguel Pizarro, celebrated Guanipa’s decision.
And PJ’s statement supports Guanipa’s “personal decision,” adding that “when we’re talking about our homeland, pragmatism and convenience are not real options.”
Comunicado de @Pr1meroJusticia ratificando nuestra decisión de no legitimar la constituyente por ser el fraude mas grande de nuestro país. pic.twitter.com/sotSvRHuco
— Julio Borges (@JulioBorges) October 24, 2017
Now, you know what I don’t understand? If the oppo candidates ran for these elections under the premise of not recognizing the “powers” of ANC, why did it become a personal option later? Henry Ramos claimed many times that elected governors don’t have to swear in to the ANC, but Hank, former friend of mine and of the whole country, do you really expect us to believe that something happens in AD without your knowledge and approval?
Repito lo que he dicho antes y después de elecciones regionales: Gobernadores NO tienen que juramentarse ante ninguna prostituyente. pic.twitter.com/da3VuEJUOX
— Henry Ramos Allup (@hramosallup) October 18, 2017
According to Juan Pablo Guanipa, Ramos Allup even tried to convince him to swear in to the ANC. That’s pretty twisted, if you ask me. I really want to quote Game of Thrones and yell “Shame! Shame! Shame!”
#EnVivo @JuanPGuanipa: Con responsabilidad digo que Ramos Allup trató de persuadirme para que me juramentara ante la ANC @eltoquedediana
— Diana Carolina Ruiz (@dianacaroruiz) October 24, 2017
As for AD’s four elected governors, Ramón Guevara, from Mérida, didn’t have much to say.
Alfredo Javier Díaz, governor of Nueva Esparta, retweeted what has become a reptilian excuse (“el pueblo” sworn him in).
Alberto Barrera Sira, elected governor of Anzoátegui, tweeted:
Que nadie se confunda: hemos dado todo por Anzoátegui y por nuestro pueblo vamos a darlo todo
— Antonio Barreto Sira (@BarretoSira) October 23, 2017
And… Laidy Gómez, elected governor of Táchira, tweeted a letter from the president of the regional legislative council, claiming she had to be sworn in by the ANC. Later, she added:
Cuando el Pueblo te implora que no le abandones,la Humillación de un líder es un medio para lograr Libertad #Tachira solo muerta te abandono
— Laidy Gomez (@laidygomezf) October 23, 2017
Twitterzuela had, of course, a long litany of adjectives for the foursome, being “traitor” the most popular.
María Corina Machado sees the show as nauseating, and she’s not alone.
Sin duda vamos hacia una NUEVA UNIDAD!En las peores crisis y circunstancias siempre surgen oportunidades!Por encima siempre Venezuela!
— Henrique Capriles R. (@hcapriles) October 23, 2017
Después d decidir AD legitimar anc por vía de la juramentación de sus gobernadores, ¿Cómo decir que la MUD es opositora si Ad sigue en ella?
— Marta Colomina (@colominaM) October 23, 2017
La única opción de mantener la ilegitimidad de la ANC es que @unidadvenezuela expulse a AD del bloque opositor.
— Melanio Escobar (@MelanioBar) October 23, 2017
Si es cierto que los Gobernadores Adecos se juramentaron ante la ANC, sólo espero que esta misma tarde AD sea expulsada de la MUD
— Héctor Manrique (@manriquehector) October 23, 2017
La @unidadvenezuela no puede acompañar esa postura política sinverguenza. La unidad debe desmarcarse de los gobernadores.
— Alonso Moleiro (@amoleiro) October 23, 2017
In a press release, Voluntad Popular claims to have asked Henry Ramos Allup to publicly distance AD from the despicable act, and expel the elected governors from the organization. El Nacional then reported that AD agreed, though Capriles Radonski claims it’s a sham.
No vengan ahora con expulsiones ficticias!Venezuela y los venezolanos merecen respeto! https://t.co/VzsnYzupIH
— Henrique Capriles R. (@hcapriles) October 24, 2017
In case you’re wondering what the fuss is about, it’s close to impossible to claim the illegitimacy of the ANC, abroad and domestically, if you dance to the tune it plays. If you go about saying that “elected governors should swear in because it’s the will of the voters,” you mock yourself and the people who supported you, assuming you had a backbone and you would reject the ANC.
Guys: you weren’t elected because of your grandiose personal charisma. You were elected because your brand of comandante eterno left us with no choice, deciding to run in the elections, even suggesting to brand everyone who abstained, so “we would know who the traitors are.”
The saddest part? Mere hours after the travesty, Maduro named “protectors” (parallel governors) for each of the four opposition states. Yes, they deserve to feel as stupid as we feel betrayed.
Mas tardaron los gobernadores de AD jurando ante la ANC, que Maduro nombrando a sus respectivos gobernadores paralelos. Alguien entiende? pic.twitter.com/WVzN5IUg7y
— Elyangelica González (@ElyangelicaNews) October 24, 2017
Truth be told, you all had it coming.
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