Pregnant Lady Diaries #3: Maternity Clothes
In the third installment of Anabella's journey through war-zone pregnancy, we discover that she has a penchant for hoarding and for Gun's an Roses. Who knew?

A mom-to-be will go through a lot in only 9 months and her body will get bigger. So even in the first trimester, when you still haven’t seen the first signs of a baby bump, you can’t help but wonder: what will I wear?
In the midst of an economic crisis, I don’t want to spend money on clothes that I will only wear for a few months.
I decided I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on maternity clothes, because I would love to think that I will somehow get my current size back after I give birth. And in the midst of an economic crisis, I don’t want to spend money on clothes that I will only wear for a few months.
The key is to find clothes that fit, no matter if they are considered maternity clothes or not.
My mom bought me some maternity pants and a dress which is an awesome start. However, one can’t be sure when or how big the body will get, so I needed more options.
I decided to dive into my current closet.
I looked for bigger clothes that I wore a few years (and pounds) ago and found jeans, some flowy shirts and shapeless dresses. You can also look for flowy skirts with elastics around the waist and hippie/harem/loose pants.
If your’e a clothes hoarder like me —it takes me years to give them away— worry not. Internet is filled with tricks to turn your everyday clothes into maternity clothes.
Jeans are a must for me and though I don’t know how big my belly will get, I’m almost sure my big jeans won’t eventually fit. I found this hack on youtube to turn everyday jeans into maternity jeans just by adding some elastic. However, before cutting your jeans —or if you don’t want to do it at all— try some pants extenders (combined with flowy shirts to cover your waist): you can buy them on-line or try to do them yourself.
I’m also thinking about diving into Carlos’s closet. Some shirts could fit the whole “Boyfriend Shirt” fashion vibe and some comfortable T’s could come in handy. I already have my eyes set on a Gun N’ Roses shirt, but I’m sure I will have to beg for it.
If you have a special event, such as a wedding, graduation or anniversary, you can totally rent a dress. I know of some stores in Caracas that have begin to carry this service, hopefully there are some in other parts of Venezuela.
Also use your “phone-a-friend (with babies)” card: many probably bought maternity clothes that are currently collecting dust in some basement or on top of a closet. Some may be more than happy to lent you a couple of things.

Pro Tips
- Check your closet: you probably have some gems that would fit you perfectly once your bump starts growing. Flowy and shapeless tops, pants and dresses can be life savers.
- You can alter some of your clothes, so you can have better fitting clothes without having to buy any new pieces.
- Check the baby daddy’a closet: some of his shirts and T’s might be a good comfortable option.
- If you get a “Save the Date” card and nothing in the “special occasion” section of your closet fits you, worry not. Rent a dress and you’ll save a ton.
- Don’t forget to ask your friends for help: they probably have some maternity clothes lying around and would be more than happy to lend you some.
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