The Requisite Dialogue Aftermath Post
After trawling the interwebs for MUD's reaction to dialogue, one thing remains clear: everyone's just looking out for number one.

On November 30th, Carlos Ocariz issued a statement that ended in: “to the mediators and the Vatican: if the government does not comply, there will be no meeting on 6D.”
On December 6th, just as was expected, the government hadn’t complied and Ocariz declared: “as the Government has not complied, it makes no sense to meet”.
Al Vaticano, mediadores y pueblo de Venezuela.
— Carlos Ocariz (@CarlosOcariz) November 30, 2016
Meanwhile, Henry Ramos Allup took a break from campaigning for a second term as President of the National Assembly to tweet: “We said it in Bolivar and the Guayanese people did not hesitate to support us, if the narcocorrupt government breaches the agreements today 6D, AD will leave the [dialogue] table”.
Lo dijimos en Bolívar y el pueblo guayanés no dudó en apoyarnos, si gobierno narcocorrupto incumple acuerdos hoy 6D, AD se retira de la mesa
— Henry Ramos Allup (@hramosallup) December 6, 2016
If after this, you thought the opposition is thinking of going to the mat, Chuo Torrealba already burst that bubble. In a series of 5 tweets, he claims:
1) Resultó exitosa la doble presión: Vaticano con su carta y MUD con la decisión de no sentarse con el Régimen hasta que cumplan lo acordado
— Jesus Chuo Torrealba (@ChuoTorrealba) 6 de diciembre de 2016
2) Como resultado de esa doble presión los facilitadores nos hicieron hoy un conjunto de propuestas para relanzar CON RESULTADOS el diálogo
— Jesus Chuo Torrealba (@ChuoTorrealba) 6 de diciembre de 2016
3) Esas propuestas serán evaluadas por la MUD y lo anunciaremos al país. Pero reiteramos: No habrá reunión con el Régimen hasta que cumplan!
— Jesus Chuo Torrealba (@ChuoTorrealba) 6 de diciembre de 2016
4) El único Diálogo que tiene sentido es el que de resultados concretos al pueblo que quiere elecciones, alimentos y medicinas
— Jesus Chuo Torrealba (@ChuoTorrealba) 6 de diciembre de 2016
5) El Diálogo necesario es el que procure la libertad plena de los presos políticos, el regreso de los exiliados y el fin de la persecución
— Jesus Chuo Torrealba (@ChuoTorrealba) 6 de diciembre de 2016
I’m not sure what “successful” means, but the real question is: how much longer are we supposed to wait for some actual results? Monsignor Claudio Maria Celli, the Vatican envoy to accompany the so-called dialogue, said the process will be “reactivated” on January 13th.
Maria Corina Machado took to twitter to openly reject the proposed date, saying: “January 13. Really? Conveniently, after January 10th. And the deaths until then? And those who emigrate? And those who go bankrupt? They [those who dialogue] don’t get it at all”.
13 de enero.En serio? Convenientemente,después del 10E.Y los muertos de aquí a allá?Y los que emigran?Y los que quiebran? No entienden nada.
— María Corina Machado (@MariaCorinaYA) December 7, 2016
Though Chúo Torrealba claimed that the 13th of January is too far in the future, we are not sure what MUD’s next move will be.
Voluntad Popular, after publicly bowing out of negotiations, is conveniently outside the line of fire. They’ve remained mum about all things dialogue-related, choosing to promote a #YesThereIsAWayOut hashtag instead.
A todo el pueblo de Venezuela le decimos: HERMANOS #SíHaySalida no existen razones para dejar de luchar
— Voluntad Popular (@VoluntadPopular) December 5, 2016
Monsignor Celli also said that, and they have asked the public authorities (that is, the Supreme Tribunal and the National Assembly) to refrain from decisions that would hinder the relationship until then. We think this means the National Assembly shouldn’t debate a political trial against Maduro’s or mingle with Tibisay and her combo; and the Supreme Court shouldn’t issue further sentences blocking the National Assembly. The National Assembly will most likely comply, but the Supreme Court will probably keep on doing whatever they —or the Executive Branch— may want.
If I’m not mistaken, the recall referendum —the one that started this whole debacle— seems to be off the table for good; and, truth be told, with both regional and municipal elections a pata’e’mingo, most opposition leaders are probably more concerned with their local proverbial corotos. Others might even be already preparing themselves for the presidential election of 2018, including a much needed fundraising drive.
Which is probably why Henrique Capriles, the referendum’s ostensible daddy, took to Periscope last night to rant about traitors and hypocrites within the MUD, but at the same time kind of defended the dialogue: “There are people who ask about the dialogue, I tell them that it has been badly handled, but it is not because of the dialogue that we do not have a recall referendum, it is the government’s fault.”
EN DIRECTO en #Periscope: Vamos con #PreguntaCapriles VERDADES para poder avanzar!
— Henrique Capriles R. (@hcapriles) December 6, 2016
You’ll probably hate me for saying this, but: did anyone really expect a different result from the so-called dialogue? To ask the question is to answer it.
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