What 12 de Octubre Means
Today was supposed to start the same way the last eight Días de la Resistencia Indígena have: happy, hungover, and glad to stay in. Instead, Venezuelans begin today driven by a cause…or at least we want to be.

Today was supposed to start the same way the last few Días de la Resistencia Indígena have: happy, hungover, and glad to sleep in. Instead, Venezuelans begin today driven by a cause…or at least we want to be.
I believe in Democracy, and even though MUD is far from perfect I still put my trust in them for their commitment to pursue a Democratic and peaceful way out of this government. Even so, like so many opposition supporters, I’m more than a little frustrated with them.
Somehow, though, the momentum has dissipated.
On the morning of September 1st, I posted on the strong emotion me and my friends felt in anticipation of what felt like a historic protest. The feeling stayed with me throughout the day and as I watched pictures of around a million people filling the streets of Caracas. Chills. That collective feeling of victory. And the road ahead seemed clear.
Somehow, though, the momentum has dissipated. The feeling of empowerment has waned, and opposition supporters everywhere are feeling, well…nothing.
Which brings me to today.
We know there was supposed to be a protest of some sort today, but until just recently, nobody was sure what precisely that meant. Would it be a march? Are we going to the CNE? Are we doing many local marches nationally? What, exactly, is happening?
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that MUD’s communicational apparatus seems to be breaking down. We’re not hearing what we need to hear, and I think there’s a reason.
For one thing, not all MUD parties are convinced that the Recall will become a reality. High up in Acción Democrática and Primero Justicia, people are almost convinced that the government will not allow a recall this year. In those circles, talk of exit strategies and alternate routes is greeted with alarm. On the other hand, the Powers-That-Be at Voluntad Popular and Vente —if that’s even relevant— are ready to go all in to get rid of the government this year.
The point is that we are well short of a consensus. Again.
(This is all somewhat simplified, of course: there are players within PJ that are more salidista than some bits of VP. And there are bits of VP that display a startling closeness of AD. But as a general rule.)
The point is that we are well short of a consensus. Again.
To that we can add the many ways the government’s been trying to find to kill the RR. They argue that there are no resources from CNE to hold that —or any— election. There’s the many measures they’ve been taking to divert attention from the RR (and to generally break our spirits) like the absurd resolution threatening to force people to work in food production part of the year. And, of course, the threat the government’s been making that, should anything “go wrong”, the Recall can always be killed via TSJ sentence.
(This is the one that really seems to be scaring MUD into apparent inaction.)
We know TSJ hasn’t handed down a properly reasoned, logical, or fully legal decision in years now. And the MUD wants to tread lightly so as to not poke an already angry bear.
But do they grasp they come across as completely inactive?
The time has come for us to do that which we often find hardest: unglamorous, patient work.
I don’t want to soft-ball the enormously challenging environment they’re working in. The strategy they’re putting out is to try and empower the largest number of community leaders possible, to enable a major effort to get their 20% signature collection drive a success, against all odds. It’s a big ask.
What does this mean for us? Well, it does not mean we need to fall into blind obedience. But it also doesn’t mean time to despair and rebellion. It means the time has come for us to do that which we often find hardest: unglamorous, patient work.
Maybe that means going to our voting center and just being there. Maybe it’s helping the viejitas learn how to work the machines. Maybe it’s standing by a phone, texting and calling people or receiving claims. Whatever this trabajo de hormiguita needs to be, somebody has to do it. And it seems like as good a chance as any to channel all the frustration and impatience.
Venezuela’s largest political problem has to do with overgrown egos: people who’d rather be important than useful. The time to start solving that problem is now.
So I won’t ask you to silence your opinion or to trust the MUD blindly. But I do ask that you have a talk with the keyboard-jockey-tirapiedra that we all have inside of us and ask him to hold on for a second and ask: what can I do to help?
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