Unconstitutional, actually.
Your daily briefing for Tuesday, April 12, 2016.

For Tuesday, April 12, 2016. Translated by Javier Liendo.
Following orders
This Monday, the Supreme Tribunal’s Constitutional Chamber issued the decision ordered by Nicolás’ cadena on April 7: they declared the Law of Amnesty and National Reconciliation, approved by the National Assembly on March 29, as unconstitutional. This is the tenth decision that the Supreme Tribunal issues disrespecting the will of Venezuelan voters who elected the current Parliament.
The decision uses more political than judicial arguments to nullify the law, they mention the Inter-American Court of Human Rights -despite the fact that the Venezuelan government hasn’t complied with its decisions in years-, they even quote the Bible! According to the document, the law violates the principles of jurisprudence, legality, justice, responsibility and sovereignty; but the true irony is that they say the law’s articles supposedly “ignore the fact that Venezuela is a democratic State based on the Rule of Law and Justice.” I won’t say more.
Fourteen years
Nicolás has a heavily edited narration of the events of April 11, 2002. He considers himself another victim of the ambush, of “a criminal coup d’etat financed by Washington,” and that’s why he said that he won’t allow the imperio to dishonor the people. That’s what chavismo and their failed economic model are for. They don’t rectify despite the humanitarian crisis we’re going through and still, he’s surprised that the U.S. hasn’t changed their policy toward Venezuela.
During the cadena he told Obama that promoting a policy of instability in Venezuela and the economic war against his government, is one of the biggest mistakes of his life. He attacked Henrique Capriles a bit more, accusing him of inciting crime, of being cynical and hating women. When his audience yelled “marico”, he smiled and asked them not to say that. He thanked PSUV supporters who participated in his show for defending Miraflores with their blood, while he called for hope and commitment because today Venezuelan children have “security for the future.” Without food, medicine or medical supplies. He announced the creation, this Tuesday, of a State Commission for Truth to erase the Law of Amnesty and National Reconciliation, a law that would create conditions for violence and chaos if it were approved, according to him. Because right now we live in enviable peace.
Henrique Capriles answered to Nicolás’ accusations with a tweet: “To Maduro, before you speak make sure your words are better than silence. Provide evidence for your irresponsible accusations!”
Knocking on Padrino López’s door
Vladimir Padrino López also took the opportunity for the fourteenth anniversary of the coup d’etat to give us more lessons on politics as an active member of the PSUV, saying that the event left examples of civil-military union, of condemning violence, of civil and constitutional conscience; and contrary to popular strength, golpistas’ actions left “the mark of treason, deceit, media manipulation and desire for power,” the complete opposite of what his words inspire on the microphone.
Speaking about his political greed, the NGO Control Ciudadano requested the National Assembly to approve a vote of no confidence against the minister of Defense, supported on number 10 of article 187 of the Constitution: “the aforementioned minister is an active member of the army, subject to the obligation of upholding and defending the Constitution, which he has repeatedly violated as documented by this organization, by assuming a partisan political posture, which the National Armed Forces are banned from doing, by articles 328 and 330 of the Constitution.”
The approval of this request requires the favorable vote of three fifths of the deputies and means the official’s removal from his post without the possibility to opt for it again for the remainder of the presidential term.
Gradual increase
During a meeting with farmers, Aristóbulo Istúriz said that there are many products with outdated prices, both goods and services, and raw materials. He informed that in the next few days, new prices will be announced for several products, with which they expect to adjust to production costs and thus improve national production: “We’re not against profit, that’s why we made a Law on Fair Prices. Venezuela is the only country in the world where profit margins are up to 30% (…) we have to update prices (…) that’s why we’re creating a new system to increase prices, but gradually, starting with the most outdated products,” he said.
Another cadena
“Esa Asamblea fascista con puro disimulo, agarra su amnistía y se la mete por el culo. ¡Uh! ¡Ah! Maduro no se va”, the audience chanted. I don’t know if they were workers like Nicolás said, but they were clearly well-paid showmen, they had musical instruments, rehearsed phrases, they had rhythm, they applauded and whistled. The only relevant aspect of today’s second cadena was the announcement of the creation of the 15 engine for basic, strategic and socialist industries -despite the fact that the first 14 engines are out of service- with its respective ministry and minister: Juan Arias.
Each of the state-controlled companies that Nicolás mentioned is bankrupt and still he spoke of privatization as the worst that could happen to them. In another fit of inspiration he decided to create Worker Boards of Directors in government-controlled companies to “underpin a productive plan” -working part-time and with free Fridays-, while the remaining months of 2016 pass and Tibisay keeps making the Recall Referendum impossible. Nicolás also gave personal development lessons: “We can do it, with will, the 14 engines and committed workers. Of course we can do it!”, without electricity or water, but with optimism.
He read the Supreme Tribunal’s decision again with the satisfaction of a task fulfilled and he hopes that the opposition will be a part of the State Commission for Truth that he created to bury the Amnesty Law. There are no limits to this guy’s nerve.
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