Guess which country has a new home in Caracas?

After finally opening its embassy in Caracas, North Korea and Venezuela will sign a bilateral agreement to build giant statues.
Good news, everyone! With the blessing of the central government, North Korea will open its embassy in Caracas.
More than a year has passed since the formal request, but in the end the self-described “dictatorship of people’s democracy” will finally have its own diplomatic post right inside the proletariat stronghold of… Las Mercedes.
This should come as no surprise. Solidarity between leaders Nicolas Maduro and Kim Jong-Un has strengthened in recent months: Venezuela backed North Korea at the UN, and Pyongyang responded by supporting the government’s campaign asking for the repeal of Obama’s recent executive order against several State kleptocrats. But there have been times in the past when even the late comandante presidente publicly opposed the nuclear actions of the so-called “hermit kingdom”.
The announcement also had a bit of unintentional comedy: The original article from ANTV (the National Assembly’s TV station) called North Korea the “Republic of Korea”, which is the formal name of the other Korea. You know, the Southern one, the one with all the gadgets. They even put up the wrong flag. But they corrected it quickly (The updated article is linked in the first line of the post). For the record, relations between Venezuela and South Korea celebrated its golden anniversary this year.
What could come next for both nations? Joint military exercises? Sharing medical cures? Full cooperation to block social networks? Or maybe, they will have some bilateral funk?
P.S.: I’ll admit it… I always wanted to post this video #FunkyKoreaIsBestKorea
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