Lord almighty

First came the man. Then came his famous signature. A little over a month ago came his own typeface. And who can forget the “get a tattoo of the Eternal President’s face and signature for free. Yes, free!“…?
But now, it seems that the love and admiration for this man has reached a new height. Hugo Chávez had it all. Now, he has his very own prayer, recited by the delegates in the ruling party convention today.
Here’s the Spanish version:
Chávez nuestro que estás en el cielo, en la tierra, en el mar y en nosotros, los y las delegadas
Santificado sea tu nombre
Venga a nosotros tu legado para llevarlo a los pueblos de aquí y de allá
Danos hoy tu luz para que nos guíe cada día
No nos dejes caer en la tentación del capitalismo
Mas líbranos de la maldad y de la oligarquía
Porque de nosotros y nosotras es la patria, la paz y la vida
Por los siglos de los siglos, Amén
¡Viva Chávez!
Here’s the English version:
Our Chávez who art in heaven, on Earth, in the sea and inside us, the delegates
Hallowed be thy name
Thy legacy come, so we can carry it to people from here and there
Give us this day your light, to guide us every day
Lead us not into the temptation of capitalism
But deliver us from evil and from oligarchs
Because ours is the homeland, the peace and the life
Forever and ever, Amen
Long live Chavez!
There is so much more to say… so much more. For now, we are simply speechless.
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