Nicolás is for the birds
A few weeks ago, Nicolás Maduro said that Hugo Chávez appeared to him in the form of a bird to give him his blessing. The whole “bird” meme...
A few weeks ago, Nicolás Maduro said that Hugo Chávez appeared to him in the form of a bird to give him his blessing. The whole “bird” meme...
There are many things Henrique Capriles is, but there are several he is not. Capriles is not the most intelligent of politicians. Others certainly have a greater facility...
There are many things Henrique Capriles is, but there are several he is not. Capriles is not the most intelligent of politicians. Others certainly have a greater facility...
You know when somebody else writes what you mean, only much better than you had? Commenter CACR just did that to me: Look at this data from the CNE: 8...
One final thought on the ill-humored comments thread that followed my (to be sure, wilfully provocative) last post: while it turns out it’s very easy to get a rise...
Whatever you think about J.J. Rendón, the legendary Venezuelan political consultant now working with Henrique Capriles, this interview with Jaime Bayly is entertaining as hell. (In Spanish) Part...
Join Gustavo and I for a pre-election conversation, Corpoelec willing. Already online. Also via Youtube.
Be forewarned, gentle reader: I come to bury the Mayamero voter in New Orleans, not to praise him. By now, you’ve probably heard the story: in one of its upteen...
A fun digression on writing about Venezuela, from guest blogger Daniel Lansberg Rodríguez. Everyone’s done it at some point – hitting send on a text message, email or...
My take on the big, fat question mark we may be electing tomorrow – over at Transitions, by Foreign Policy. An excerpt: One of the failures in this...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.