You say inefficiency, I say "media conspiracy"

“El Águila Parcelaria”, a sculpture of Valencia’s open-air museum is now abandoned to its fate

Valencia’s open-air museum (one of two still functioning in Venezuela) has been left unattended by local authorities. Even if the current management did some work there three years ago, the entire infrastructure now lacks maintenance, and it shows.

Some of the scuptures are damaged and someone even tried to steal one of them.

What’s the official response? It’s all a “media conspiracy”, nothing more.

The practice of blaming everyday problems on “evil plots” is not longer reserved to higher echelons of the Chavernment. After all, the current economic woes are seen by Nicolas Maduro as part of “an economic war against the transition to socialism”.

It’s not surprising that current Mayor of Valencia Edgardo Parra simply toes the party line. His reputation precedes him.