Not everybody hates Comments via Email
Old comments section stalwart GTAvex sticks his neck out: I find the new policy refreshing: it’s not trying to pander to us with a self-congratulatory “democracy-means-free-for-all” while people write...
Old comments section stalwart GTAvex sticks his neck out: I find the new policy refreshing: it’s not trying to pander to us with a self-congratulatory “democracy-means-free-for-all” while people write...
Unpaid severance pay? Mass layoffs? In direct contravention of the inamovilidad laboral decrees? Man, these guys are so getting expropriated! …oh, wait.
D. Pratt, whose brain PanfletoNegro came out of, weighs in on the Comment-via-Email thing: Hasta los lurkers se manifiestan cuando cambias algo en una página que funcionaba bien....
A reader: It may be a blunder by Chávez, but there is an alternate explanation: [Puerto Cabello’s PSUV Mayor Rafael] Lacava has been reaching out beyond chavismo just...
*don’t want to imagine the amount of reading you’ll have to do – of the good, the bad and the ugly. I imagine Sullivan has his staff, do...
…el poster de Bolívar por América Latina! A reader quips: “See? All that money spent on reconstructing Bolívar’s face is boosting the local economy and creating jobs.” I’m lovin’...
Since we’re going for a Sullivanesque-vibe these days, here are the latest ad offering from both sides. Chávez’s camp insists with “light painting” to promote his accomplishments on social policy and...
One possible reason why Rafael Lacava wasn’t chosen to be PSUV’s gubernatorial candidate in Carabobo could be his obsession with putting his face (and his wife’s) on every...
A reader writes: I think that “baseball cap gate” here is an actual plus for Capriles on so many levels it isn’t even funny. Why? Getting rebuked for...
Chavez made a huge mistake in Carabobo. The PSUV mayor of Puerto Cabello, Rafael Lacava, has a real chance against Salas Feo and has something most Chavistas in local offices lack:...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.