Not even the Olympics can rescue TVes's ratings...
I found this astonishing: Rubén Limardo’s gold-medal winning effort in London got about 1/3rd to 1/5th of the ratings on TVes as the regular old Telenovela gets every...
I found this astonishing: Rubén Limardo’s gold-medal winning effort in London got about 1/3rd to 1/5th of the ratings on TVes as the regular old Telenovela gets every...
Juan is right. Comments-via-Email probably does run counter to some deeply ingrained Venezuelan cultural values. That’s a singularly bad reason to oppose it, though, just like Venezuelans’ deep...
My first day thinking about the new comments section, and about the (mostly negative) emails we’ve been getting about it, got me thinking whether an approach that works...
A reader fills in the backstory on Central Azucarero Sucre, where the government has been – ahem – creatively applying its own inamovilidad laboral decree… I first visited...
In cities like Barquisimeto, public transport means more than just buses. Some routes are covered by what’s known here as carritos por puesto or rapiditos: passenger cars that...
What does it take to get a proper police investigation into Bolivarian drug trafficking? Apparently, a bit of a detour through East Africa, that’s what. The entire Olga...
Alejandro Tarre, echoing Tal Cual and Reporte Confidencial, has posted a great find: slides that suggest Hinterlaces’s Oscar Schemel is working for the government. If so, then more power...
I was off skiing on the face of a volcano in Chile’s Patagonia for the weekend (yes, you can envy me now), so I’m a little late to...
That Limardo’s tweet about his gold medal being for everyone? Chavismo didn’t read it. …or they simply chose to hacerse los locos. After all… #AquiLoQueImportaEsChavez
I’m a couple of weeks late on this one, but I think The Economist’s take on Venezuela’s quickie accession to Mercosur was really enlightening. As the chart on...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.