The Revolt of Los Palos Grandes Last night was a circus. First, Rosendo Struck Again. Major General Manuel Rosendo, in full military uniform, gave a fire-breathing press conference...
The Revolt of Los Palos Grandes Last night was a circus. First, Rosendo Struck Again. Major General Manuel Rosendo, in full military uniform, gave a fire-breathing press conference...
Ineffectual authoritarianism… What a farce! The TV images from the joint Secret Police/Military Intelligence raid of Colonel Antonio Guevara (suspected coupster) looked like something out of TV’s Bloopers...
Ineffectual authoritarianism… What a farce! The TV images from the joint Secret Police/Military Intelligence raid of Colonel Antonio Guevara (suspected coupster) looked like something out of TV’s Bloopers...
Closer and closer to the edge… Soldiers in the metro, soldiers at the big east-side shopping mall (the Sambil), soldiers downtown. Tank and APV movements around Caracas in...
Closer and closer to the edge… Soldiers in the metro, soldiers at the big east-side shopping mall (the Sambil), soldiers downtown. Tank and APV movements around Caracas in...
“This can’t last: it’s too stupid.” Caracas can’t be said to have the most vibrant intellectual life in Latin American, but at least we’ve got Ibsen Martinez. Witty,...
“Today, we aborted a coup…” If Enrique Tejera-Paris is the best the opposition can come up with for a coupster, man, we’re all in trouble here. Last night,...
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