Official results, Government = 46 seats, Opposition = 99 seats. 22 seats still not called.
As Caracas Chronicles tries to fight off a DDoS attack, multiple sources confirm we have a simple majority in the National Assembly. The situation with the regime trying to claw back this victory is serious, however.

Signing off after a thrilling, historic night that had everything: carometro, crazy rumors, a DDoS attack, BarandaTime.
6D has upended everything everyone thought they knew about Venezuelan politics.
There’ll be so much more to blog in the days ahead. So much more.
12:45: Maduro babbling about Arbenz.
12:44: Maduro gives subdued address. Then pivots to blame the “Economic War.”
PSUV 24 circuit seats + 22 list seats = 46 seats.
MUD 72 circuit seats + 27 list seats = 99 seats.
22 still not called.
12:33: A LOT of circuits are not going to have winners announced: Amazonas 1, Apure 1, Aragua 2, Aragua 3, Aragua 4, Carabobo 4, Guarico 1, Guarico 2, Guarico 3, Lara 2, Monagas 1, Merida List. Jezum.
74% Turnout
12:28: Tibisay: Espiritu Cívico, bla bla.
12:27: Tibisay on the move.
12:17: Serious talk now of a negotiation to give the MUD 108 seats, instead of the 113 we won.
11:28: Rumour that we won in Vargas. VARGAS. V-a-r-g-a-s. (Not confirmed.)
11:26: VP headquarters son una fiesta: hugs, bleary sleep-deprived eyes and elation.
Julio Borges a la BBC: "acabamos de probar, a quienes nos llamaban colaboracionistas por promover la vía electoral, que teníamos razón"
— Daniel Pardo (@pardodaniel) December 7, 2015
Julio Borges nos acaba de decir: "democratizamos a un gobierno autoritario a través del voto"
— Daniel Pardo (@pardodaniel) December 7, 2015
10:45: This:
10:39: We’ll take the time now to remind you our forecasting model projected 111 seats for MUD.
10:33: MUD to win 113 seats. Gamechanger.
10:23: A 2/3rd qualified majority is possible. Maybe likely.
10:11: Mood in the opposition simply joyous.
10:06: VTV showing international news. En serio.
10:02: VP’s Freddy Guevara: The country has taken an absolutely clear decision. There’s no reason to keep this waiting room going. We have made history. We have overcome all the obstacles of the most unfair campaign in Venezuelan history.
9:59: Miranda 4 (Barlovento) goes to PSUV.
9:56: TalCual: Opposition wins at least 98 seats.
9:55: Opposition MUD coalition wins National Popular Vote by margin of at least a two million votes.
9:54: In Petare, MUD candidate Miguel Pizarro doubles William Ojeda’s vote, MIN-Unidad dirty trick and all.

Photo: LuzMely Reyes
9:50: Nicmer Evans, of leftwing breakaway group Marea Socialista “El pueblo habló y los resultados son consecuencia de las acciones e inacciones políticas de los protagonistas, ahora a reflexionar.”
9:46: MUD set to win both list seats in Táchira, more than doubling the PSUV tally.
9:45: MUD has won no fewer than 95 seats, a qualified majority is possible.
9:30: MUD scores won a clean sweep of seats in Distrito Capital. All of them.
A military-led attempt to revert this fact by keeping voting centers open and pressuring people to the polling places is underway.
We apologize for the problems with but we have been under DDoS attack for much of the night. Caracas Chronicles prides itself in not calling an election until we are certain, and at this point we are certain that the MUD has won the election for the National Assembly.
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We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.