After almost four hours of waiting...

…I can proudly say that I have voted. SUCCESS!

I arrived at my Center with my sister at noon. There were already reports of delays in my voting center so we are left to wait in the sun for almost three hours, in one of eleven lines (equal to the number of coting tables available), located outside the school’s premises.

Some advanced faster than others. My table was the slowest, as apparently the machine broke down earlier. People were patient, given the importance of this vote, but every now and then, they loudly chanted “We want to vote!”. Only old people and the disabled passed inmediately.

The only moment of tension was when two military armored vehicles (with soldiers suited up, ready for action) passed in front of everybody. Most booed its presence, and one old man yelled to them: “We’re here to vote, not to fight a war”.

Only ten voters at a time were allowed inside the school. It was pretty obvious there was disorganization, as “bottlenecks” were growing. Voters were determined to stay as long as neccesary, but they were very vocal with the CNE and military staff.

When we got inside, we understood the slow pacing: the so-called Electoral Information System (SIE) – people with laptops checking the person’s identity and location in the electoral register. It was a defacto “operacion morrocoy“. The CNE itself admitted its failure hours later. #ElMejorSistemaElectoralDelMundoFAIL

It took another hour to vote, but that went smoother inside. Then, I could finally vote.

When me and my sister were leaving, it was four o’clock. Half of the tables were still open with people in line. Turnout has been high and I’m happy, even if I lost the Barsa-Madrid game on TV.

Now, another long period of waiting begins…